Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lines, Abstraction and wash

Tools of the Trade, pen ink and brush on paper, 26" x 41", March 2010

I was interested in lines functioning as markers of time and the tools I use to make them. Now that I think of it, I should put a detail shot up. . . I'll be back to do that.

The Last Assignment, ink juice wine coffee toilet paper, 36" x 45.5", April 2010

This was from the "Toilet Paper Roll" assignment from Hung Liu. We were to collect all the toilet paper rolls used over the course of the semester then create something with them. I was interested in the abstract shapes and forms left behind on the rolls from the last slivers of toilet paper. Or that half thin sheet left hanging that is unusable. I was interested in transferring that relationship between negative and positive space onto a two dimensional surface. I dipped and painted the left behind whites of toilet paper with beverages I had consumed and inks, then rolled the diameter of each roll onto the treated paper. The really dark spots are the actual pieces of toilet paper that stuck to the paper. I had fun.

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